

The Maine legislature is considering “An Act to Decriminalize Engaging in Prostitution, Strengthen the Laws against Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Allow a Person Convicted of Engaging in Prostitution To Petition the Court To Expunge the Record of Conviction” (LD1592).

If passed, this bill would accomplish three important goals. First, it would eliminate criminal liability for persons exploited in the sex trade, recognizing that these people  deserve protection and access to services, not punishment for being exploited. Second, the bill would expand post-conviction relief for survivors, while developing a statewide system for providing services to survivors of trafficking. Third, passage of the bill would allow survivors of commercial sexual exploitation to ask the courts to expunge prostitution-related convictions, eliminating the penalty they face for being victimized and making it easier for survivors to acquire jobs and benefits.

Please let the legislators know that you support this Equality Model bill.


Sign the pledge to create
an exploitation-free world.